hahas.. this is super funny.. went to some1 blog n found this! o man~~ well~ jus came back from tkd... i m TIRED! tml must wake up at 5.30am! =( cos got 1 tkd event.. LOL!! den go out =D
morning: went to SPRING CLEANING in sch! from 10plus and end at 4plus! 6hrs man~~ the clubhse is CLEAN N NICE! o ya, den 1/2 way thru, i realised i FORGOT to bring my BELT! >.< but still went there n take a look..
afternoon: heng ar! chief say got extra! PHEW~ den join in and teach WHITE belt.. some of them are super kawaii!! some of them are naughty! hahas.. aniway.. teaching them is a difficult task. but nvm, THEY ARE KIDS! ^^ i like them! =P
evening & nite: den went makan wif them.. cher cher say meet at 9.15pm at jp.(we are going to k!) but at that time, i still taking 185 home! LOL!! hahas.. meet them at 10plus... we didnt noe how to walk to safra! hahas... but our sense of direction is accurate! hahas.. start singing at 1030pm-3am! 1 word to describe: TIRED! and u noe wad? it costs us 10bucks each pax nia! hahas. =D (boy cher cher treat!) wen we were walking towards jp! we saw lots of mice! hahas... small 1 big 1! the most funniest part from wen we step out of safra. we saw 1 middle mice! den we say GOT MICE! and it followed by..........
'老虎老鼠,傻傻分不清楚'which is sang by mi! they all stunned! hahas. =D so funny seh! :p (this sentence was from jolin tsai's song) boy cher cher sent us home =D
being woke up by my mummy this monring at 9am! went out the whole day and reach home at 9pm! hahas. =D good gal seh~
(photos will be uploaded once i get it from cher cher(she is my cousin!) and boy cher cher(guess it den =D)
i didnt play facebook! hahas.. and i did datasheet[so difficult! =( ] but still trying now!
things to be done! -2reports =( -lots of datasheets! =( -buy stuff! =(
wa... i m broke man~ sp got toooo much fastfood le lor! we keep eating and eating! =( hope i didnt gain alot! =(
well~ back to datasheet =X
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 .
waiting to use the desktop, shall blog for awhile!
WELL WELL~~ reports r piling up! MANZXZ!~ so shall not blog often kk! =(
i noe u guys will misss mi! heh heh! i will try to blog as frequent as possible.. mayb june holis! anyway now week5. times passes soooo fast! week 8 will be my holidays =D i m not really happy cos reports r to be done during holis and test after holis! =( is it really holis for us?! =((
well... time to use my desk top! WEE~ and after that... S-L-E-E-P! ^^ (my fav! ^^)
♥SHARON 12:49 AM
Thursday, May 14, 2009 .
FINALLY DONE! my new blogskin! there isnt any credits becos i edited... i use 2 blog skin into 1! heh heh.. so credits is MI!!! and siman~ hahas.. she help mi to extend my post's width! thanks wor! ^^
next editting is to edit the 3 photos~ hahas... it will be mine! =D
not happy wif my photos? hahas.. u can close it de la! ^^
well~~ shall go edit now =D
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 .
o well~ year 2 is super stressful! datasheets have to be hand in 2weeks time... and sooo fast! it is week 4! haven even complete some datasheet la! =(
i wore nice nice to sch 2day! got praised! ^^ heh heh.. den shoe spoil! =.= but nvm... that means i can buy new shoes! WEE~~~
wasnt concentrating on lectures 2day! cos PHILO LA!!! she keep doing funny stuff! hahas. =D
& den went to change new ez-link! we bus-ed one stop to convection centre! haahs... jerine,richmond & christina got no choice but to get up! (they got mrt concess nia! hahas)
(they r my new friends! hahas.. =D)
i have to limp to & fro =( den nguk neng and siman came! we collected and say wanna to bused back again! hahas.. poor them have to pay $1! LOL! =)
所为牺牲小我,完成大我!(scarifice youself and benefit everyone!) hahas... cos majority of us got bus concession ma! den reac the underpass, the light were off(don noe y!) and philo jump out and scare ppl! >.< den nvm.. jeanie did some weird noise! and she saw some thing jumping. she tot was leaves and in the end, it was toad!
at 1st tot was frog, but siman say is toad... therefore it is 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉! hahas.. so funny la! hahas..
now den we have lots of new friends(actualy last yr is buddy class nia!) but we didnt tok la! hahas. but now we r like siao classmates! n i love it! hahas =D
ended! =D stress!!! >.<
♥SHARON 10:45 PM
Friday, May 08, 2009 .
WA~ i m noob in blog template! don noe wad happen la! >.< wanna change display pic oso sooo difficult! =(
after trying for sooo long... stll got a small cross box on top of my display pic! >.< wadeva la!!! jus leave it there till i got a better mood! >.<
♥SHARON 11:41 PM
Thursday, May 07, 2009 .
it is onli been 3weeks and piles of datasheetssss to be done! BOO~ i hate school life! =(( but soon~ it will be my term break! but i got lots of stuff to be done in that 3 weeks break! WA~~ so stressful! =(
and that's y i didnt blog =X (actually addicted to facebook la! =X) hahas... well~ having subway in sch is ~~~~ this few days, went dinner at 7plus.. asked club ppl where to makan. SUBWAY! i have been eating subway on mon n tue! MANZZZ luckily now got the $5.90 meal. if not, BOK ar! but subway melt is super delicious CAN?~~ with lots of lettuces,tomato,cucumbers and ON-ION! WEE~~ i noe i noe.. on-ion seems disgusting. but it is good for our body okies! ahahs. =D
den ytd. finally a day that i can go home at 3plus. =D and so... i did almost all my datasheets! hahas.. so WED shall be a day for mi to complete ALL my datasheets! hahas.. weekdays will be days for mi to revise! (hope i can! =X) i m being booked! hahas.. so all~ don date mi out k! =P must study de ma.. wahahas =D